The title is about all there is to say about the fishing conditions over the last few days.
The rivers that are sourced from the main divide are in full flood, while the high country rivers sourced in the foothills are all running high and clear. Saturday and Sunday saw some fresh snow on the tops, which is uncommon but not an outlandish sight at this time of year. Hopefully the extra bit of snow and rain will ensure that the river levels will remain reasonable for a few weeks to come.
The fish are moving and rising to dry flys where visibility avails - I hooked two and landed one this morning, right after he stripped me out to my backing. Go the mighty humpy!
The wind has hardly stopped, with gales on Saturday and Sunday, but generally calmer in the early morning and late evening.
The worst days fishing is still better than the best day at work, so get out there and get your hat blown off, your fly snagged in a tree, and your feet wet!